sustainable investing.

    We believe the move to a Circular, Lean, Inclusive, Clean economy – which we refer to as the CLIC® economy – is underway. Combinations of investor pressure, market forces, regulation, and consumer behaviour will disrupt the global economy. We believe this transition to be a significant investment opportunity and a driver of higher long-term returns. To capture this opportunity while minimising risk, investors must be able to recognise which companies are best positioned for the changes to come.

    It is our belief that there will be major systems transformations that will be key to achieving a CLIC® economic model: Energy, Land and Oceans, Materials, and pricing externalities, such as Carbon. As we electrify our energy systems, dynamic new profit pools will emerge. We also expect innovation, technology and policy to accelerate the growth of a circular economy that – unlike today’s linear economy – will both harness and preserve the power of nature. These profound, sweeping changes will be underpinned by the rise of carbon markets, which will incentivise decarbonisation and the switch to clean new technologies.

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    our investment strategies.

    Investment risks can be expected to materialise amongst laggards in many industries but we believe that a considerable investment upside will be unlocked as opportunities shift towards solution providers and transition leaders. At Lombard Odier, we aim to manage these downside risks whilst capitalising on the potential performance upside created as new, sustainable products and services reach the market. Our thematic strategies target the opportunities created by the environmental transition, whilst our impact strategies focus on deploying capital in order to accelerate the transition via solutions that have high potential for scale.


    Planetary transition

    Our actively-managed Planetary Transition Strategy aims to invest in companies that we believe are positioned to grow in a carbon-constrained and carbon-damaged world, including those in hard-to-abate industries. We focus on activities aimed at adaptation, such as flood defences, insurers and firms providing efficiency solutions and renewables.

    Circular economy

    Through our Circular Economy Strategy we look to rethink the role of nature in our economy, by targeting small and mid-cap companies that seek to harness nature’s regenerative potential and better preserve its value through a leaner form of industry.

    This strategy looks for opportunities focussed on both the circularity of industry and the circular bioeconomy. We aim to identify companies in North America, Europe and Asia that are already profitable and well-positioned to take advantage of what we believe are four major growth opportunities: the circular bioeconomy, resource efficiency, outcome-oriented consumption and zero waste.

    Our Net Zero Investing Strategies

    Our range of Net Zero Investing Strategies seek investments that we believe are resilient to, and positioned to benefit from, the seismic shocks of a net-zero world. We focus on companies already aligned with the goal of net zero and those with the potential for acceleration. These multi-sector strategies reflect our belief that there are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ companies, only those in transition: moving fast, slowly, or not at all.

    Crucially, these strategies are forward-looking. Instead of assessing only a company’s present-day emissions, we evaluate their likely future trajectory in a decarbonising world. Through these Global and European strategies investors can support the companies that we believe are driving the net-zero transition. 

    Food systems

    Our food systems strategy seeks to capture the upside of a food systems transformation that is already underway, as we move towards a model that can feed a growing population while operating within, or even helping to restore, our planetary boundaries. This strategy targets companies focussing on sustainable food production and consumption, and on the enabling solutions that will improve the efficiency of production and distribution.

    Carbon markets

    Our carbon markets opportunity strategy seeks to invest in the currency of decarbonisation. Many commentators believe that carbon prices need to significantly increase in order to achieve climate goals. Our Global Carbon Opportunity aims to capture potential upside participation in both established and emerging carbon markets.

    Focussing on the highest environmental and social integrity, this strategy invests in carbon allowances and carbon credits across both compliance and voluntary markets. For investors, we believe this strategy offers a hedge against inflation and climate transition risks, whilst contributing to the scale-up of what may prove to be an essential mechanism for reducing emissions over the long-term.

    Energy systems

    Our Future Electrification strategy aims to capture the opportunities generated as we transition towards greater economy-wide electrification. Between now and 2050 we believe that the global economy will move from around 20% to 70% of final energy use coming in the form of electricity.

    This shift is well underway, with many crucial tipping points already reached, driven by rapid efficiency gains and plunging costs in both the supply and demand sides of the switch from fossil fuels to zero-emissions electricity. In power infrastructure we are seeing a shift from centralised to de-centralised energy production and storage; in transport we are moving away from petrol and diesel; some heavy industries are gearing up to transition from fossil fuels to clean hydrogen produced using renewable electricity; and in the buildings sector, natural gas boilers are being replaced with electric heating systems.

    Our strategy seeks out opportunities in both supply and demand, and the many physical and digital solutions that will enable this historic shift to carbon-free, renewable power.

    Nature's regenerative power

    We view nature is a transformative technology with the potential to become an entirely new asset class that creates value, cash flow and returns. We believe that nature-based solutions, including the protection, restoration and sustainable management of our land systems, provide an opportunity for investors to diversify portfolios and minimise their climate-risk. At Lombard Odier, we are convinced that investing in nature-based assets will accelerate the transition to a net-zero, nature-positive economy.

    where we are.

    Our heritage is Swiss, yet our outlook and mind set are resolutely international. With over 25 offices globally, we are able to serve our clients all over the world.


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