media releases
Lombard Odier continues its association with CERN by supporting two new PhD students with their research

In 2019, the Lombard Odier Group committed to providing financial support, under the ATLAS PhD Grant Scheme, to six PhD students for three years, enabling them to pursue their research in a laboratory that is the only one of its kind in the world
Within the framework of its partnership with the CERN & Society Foundation, Lombard Odier is this year financially supporting two more talented PhD students in the field of particle physics research. The young researchers selected to receive an ATLAS grant will continue their studies in Geneva as part of an international collaboration programme involving 181 institutions and agencies from 38 countries. The PhD students will take part in the ATLAS experiment, one of two general-purpose detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is used for investigating a wide range of areas of physics, from the search for the Higgs boson to extra dimensions and the particles that could make up dark matter. They will receive top-class supervision and training while working alongside leading specialists.
We're live from @CERN!
— Lombard Odier (@lombardodier) February 27, 2020
We're very happy to welcome our experts and our grant students for this 2020 edition of our partnership with CERN. #LOandCERN
Click here or watch below to learn more about AI, robotics and the CERN @ATLASexperiment:
In partnering with this programme organised by CERN and the CERN & Society Foundation, Lombard Odier is reiterating its commitment to the new generation, who are being called upon to continuously push the limits of technology and rethink the world around us. Lombard Odier is supporting two of the three students receiving the grant in 2020. Prajita Bhattarai, from Brandeis University in the US, is studying the phenomenon by which the Higgs boson breaks down into another four particles. The Nepalese student is also assisting with the modernisation of a part of the ATLAS detector. Albert Kong, from Adelaide University in Australia, is involved in the study of the production of the “top quark”, the heaviest elementary particle: it is this particle that makes it possible to record rare phenomena within the LHC.
“A great number of engineering challenges encountered during the LHC adventure have led to the development of new technologies, which have subsequently been used in other applications in various industries. Our Firm strongly believes that it is essential to invest in the training of the new generation of researchers for both the advancement of science and to help resolve society’s current and future challenges”, explains Alexandre Zeller, Managing Partner responsible for innovation and new technologies at the Lombard Odier Group.
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