Covid-19: a catalyst for sustainable finance

Our Chief Investment Officer and the Investment Solutions department provide our private clients with investment services and advice on all aspects of asset allocation, portfolio construction & implementation, security selection, as well as investment research and insights on geopolitical and macroeconomic events that impact portfolios.
At Lombard Odier, we believe that sustainable investments significantly improve the performance of our clients’ portfolios. So, to ensure that all of our clients are able to realise the benefits of such investments, we apply the same sustainable investing framework to both our discretionary and advisory mandates.
When it comes to sustainability, our clients are sensitive to five main themes:
1. Climate change
2. Resource management
3. Preservation of natural environment and biodiversity
4. Human rights
5. Reduction of inequalities
That said, every client is different. So, we take the time to understand which of these themes matter most to each of our clients. This enables us to design tailor-made solutions that will deliver the best risk/return ratio while maximising the positive impact of each client’s portfolio.
Hear more about our approach to sustainable investments from Stéphane Monier, Chief Investment Officer, Bank Lombard Odier & Co Ltd.
We also develop sustainable structured products; Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) funds, thematic funds and individual stock selections that enable our clients to have a more targeted impact. For instance, we developed a new structured product named Cherry Note in partnership with Plastic Bank, which invests in companies that are producing renewable energy. A portion of the Cherry Note management fees directly supports over 3,500 children through educational bursaries that can be used for tuition and school supplies, while also helping plastic collectors in Indonesia and the Philippines earn an income for basic family necessities such as groceries, cooking fuel and health insurance.
We have developed a range of tools to help our clients understand the impact of their portfolios. For instance, our Circular, Lean, Inclusive and Clean (CLIC™) framework enables us to assess a company’s overall sustainability credentials, while our proprietary Lombard Odier Portfolio Temperature Alignment (LOPTA) framework allows us to assess climate-related assets by projecting the likely future alignment of a company with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
In continuing to develop tools that enable us to assess more aspects of sustainability in investments, we aim to give our clients more control over the impact they have through their portfolios and a greater potential for superior risk-adjusted returns, as well as to accelerate the transition to the CLIC™ economic model that will ensure a sustainable future for our planet and society.
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