investment insights

    Four strategic portfolio changes for a post-pandemic world

    Four strategic portfolio changes for a post-pandemic world
    Stéphane Monier - Chief Investment Officer<br/> Lombard Odier Private Bank

    Stéphane Monier

    Chief Investment Officer
    Lombard Odier Private Bank
    Samy Chaar - Chefökonom und CIO Schweiz

    Samy Chaar

    Chefökonom und CIO Schweiz

    While the normalisation process continues, we have now seen both the worst of the crisis and the best of the economic recovery. The pace of growth is inevitably slowing compared to the rapid catch-up of the initial stage.

    The virus remains key to the path of the recovery. Still, the revival is not about to end. Improved epidemic control and continued economic policy support are key elements to our outlook, and these remain in place. With renewed lockdowns unlikely, we expect the recovery to be substantial, if incomplete, backed by an unprecedented degree of fiscal and monetary support.

    While the pandemic drives the near-term outlook, we have strategically positioned our clients’ portfolios for the post-Covid world. We see opportunities in the Chinese economy, structural trends and real assets. Discover our outlook for the months ahead, and find out which investments we believe will shape the world of tomorrow with CIO Private Bank Stéphane Monier and Chief Economist Samy Chaar.

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