
    Brand Strategy and Islamic Services Win Flagship Industry Awards

    Brand Strategy and Islamic Services Win Flagship Industry Awards

    The strength of Lombard Odier’s brand strategy and our Islamic offering have once again earned important industry recognition.

    We won ‘Best Private Bank for Brand Strategy’ and were highly commended in the ‘Best Bank for Islamic Services’ category at the PWM/The Banker Global Private Banking Awards 2019, held in London on 31 October.

    The annual awards – run by the wealth management publications of the Financial Times Group – are a highlight in the global wealth management calendar.

    The strength of Lombard Odier’s brand strategy and our Islamic offering have once again earned important industry recognition.

    The annual Financial Times Annual Wealth Management Summit took place earlier in the day.

    Best Private Bank for Brand Strategy

    It is a point of enormous pride that we have been recognised for our brand strategy by the Financial Times via its PWM/The Banker Global Private Banking Awards 2019.

    We have always thrived on taking new and fresh perspectives throughout our history. This has allowed us to prosper through financial crises whilst growing our clients wealth.

    To ‘Rethink Everything’ has been our philosophy for over 200 years. And it’s all the more relevant nowadays. 

    In a fast-changing, unpredictable world, we must constantly challenge ourselves to offer new opportunities and tailored solutions to our clients. 

    We have always thrived on taking new and fresh perspectives throughout our history. This has allowed us to prosper through financial crises whilst growing our clients wealth.

    Nowhere is this better illustrated than in our determined stance on the Sustainability Revolution, which we believe to be the biggest opportunity in modern history and which we have placed at the heart of our investment strategy. 

    For the last four years, Lombard Odier has run the award-winning, global ‘Rethink Everything’ campaign, delivering powerful, topical content through arresting, thought-provoking visuals.
    From 2018 onwards, that campaign platform has been focused on our commitment to sustainability and the financial opportunity that it represents for our clients. 


    In 2019, we further articulated our sustainable investment strategy, by identifying on one side the far-sighted, decisive companies which have understood the sustainability challenges ahead and are driving the necessary transformation of their business. We call these companies the Eagles. And on the other side those companies with their heads in the sand, pretending that nothing needs to change: we call them the Ostriches.

    We identify decisive companies which have understood the sustainability challenges ahead and are driving the necessary transformation of their business.

    A brand is the place a company intends to occupy in a given sector and the face that it shows to the world. Through our ‘Rethink Everything’ campaign and our commitment to the Sustainability Revolution, we show the world that we are committed to fresh and innovative thinking for the benefit of our clients’ wealth and the future of people on our planet.

    We are committed to fresh and innovative thinking for the benefit of our clients’ wealth and the future of people on our planet.

    Highly Commended ‘Best Private Bank Islamic Services’

    This award is an important international recognition of our expertise in the field of Islamic services.

    Our Islamic offering has gained extraordinary momentum since 2018, when our discretionary mandate was officially certified as ‘Shariah compliant’ by the Shariah Supervisory Board of Amanie Advisors.

    Earlier in October, this innovative mandate won ‘Best Islamic Wealth Management Proposition’ at the Islamic Business & Finance Awards 2019 – the first time Lombard Odier has ever won a dedicated Islamic finance award. This year, we have seen assets from the UAE grow at a double digit rate1 and have opened a new branch in Abu Dhabi, in order to serve local clients with onshore wealth solutions.


    Our Shariah mandate is a bespoke and fully customisable solution that fits our clients’ complex individual needs. It is a holistic offering, not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ fund. It allows our clients to build their portfolio the way they want, drawing on the full capabilities of the bank.

    Our Islamic offering has gained extraordinary momentum since 2018, when our discretionary mandate was officially certified as ‘Shariah compliant’.

    Both awards reflect Lombard Odier’s fundamental commitment to rethinking wealth management and to providing our clients with exceptional solutions and services. 

    The awards ceremony was held at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in London’s Mayfair. The awards were collected by Chief Branding Officer Fabio Mancone and Limited Partner Arnaud Leclercq, who were joined by a number of colleagues from the Marketing & Communications and New Markets teams. 

    1 As of end-July 2019

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